Maria Carelli
Geboren 1980 in Argentinien, lebt und arbeitet sie in Spanien.
Momentan widmet sich Maria exklusiv dem Design von modernen Schmuck.
Neben Erwähnungen in den VOGUE Italien oder ELLE Argentinien wurden ihre Stücke in MAD in New York, im Museum of Fine Arts Eduardo Sivori, Buenos Aires, auf der Gothenburg International Biennial of Contemporary Art und der Messe Tendence 2018 in Frankfurt ausgestellt.
Ihre Arbeit ist charakterisiert durch das Experimentieren mit verschiedensten Materialien und das Ausloten deren Möglichkeiten.
Sie findet ihre Inspirationen in der Natur und kreiert ihre Stücke aus organischen Formen oder auch organischen Materialien wie Fischschuppen.
Collection POSIDONIA
The sea is calmness, it is immensity. It is also the rough and unpredictable sea. These pieces extend the presence of the sea over our bodies, by bringing along the color tones and freshness of the sea.
This collection reflects the different blue hues in the Mediterranean, the earth tones of the coast and cliffs, as well as the black shadows from the rocks. The greens and the violets tones suggest the seaweeds, such as the Posidonia, "the lung of the Mediterranean", a main source of oxygen, and an endangered species due to excessive tourism and pollution. Over half of the oxygen we breathe comes from the sea; although there are currently preservation projects, it is urgent that we all become aware of the need to save Posidonia.
Materials: Paper paste, pigments, nylon, sterling silver.
The paper pulp is treated so that the material acquires rigidity and durability. All the necklaces are articulated pieces and they have movement. Pieces of this collection are reproduced according to orders. Because these pieces are made by hand, none of them will be equal to another and there will be slight differences between the pieces of the images and the pieces delivered.